Our SEO Guarantee - We Perform Or You Don't Pay

What You Need To Know About Traffic Types

Website traffic is gnerally measured in three different categories.  Direct Traffic, Referral Traffic and Organic Search Traffic. Understanding these three different types of traffic help define how your visitors are finding you online. Below you'll find an expanded documentation of Renton Conversion SEO web ranking services.

Referral Traffic is typically a visit to your website that occurs when a searcher finds you through an alternate space on the web.  An example would be a Directory Link or maybe a social media click through.
Direct Traffic visits are generally from visitors who are already aware of your business name and are likely already aware of your web address.  Maybe you handed out a business card or did an external outbound marketing effort where you direct customers directly to your website address. This traffic usually types in your URL into a browser to be directly taken to your website.

Organic Search Traffic is traffic that finds you through search via keywords using engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!  This traffic is the source of matching an unlimited amount of searchers with the services and products your company offers.  If often yields the highest volume of new introductions to a business as well as often reflecting the highhest quality visit metrics.  It really is where the magic happens with your online presence! Renton based Conversion SEO deploys affordable digital SEO and web ranking services to national customers.

All three traffic sources are important.  With that, if you are going to be online and put any effort into your online marketing, a focus on Organic Search is paramount and typically where most companies fall short. Of the three sources of traffic analyzed, your Organic Search traffic should make up the largest percentage of traffic

The reason? Most websites typically don't rank for market related keywords, which is exactly how potential clients and customers find you.  Very often, when we evaluate a website, the most common word that site is recognized and ranked for is the business name only!  

Unless a searcher is already aware of your business and wants to find it through searching your business name, you will not be appear in Search Engine Result Pages (SERP's).  If your website is not ranking for industry related terms then you are invisible to your search market. Our affordable web ranking and digital SEO services fix this problem!
PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE – Renton Conversion SEO will waive its monthly service fee if the following performance conditions are not met.

(1)    Capture a minimum of 5 new keyword rankings from relevant search phrases that have generated search-based clicks to your website.

(2)     While individual keyword rankings may increase or decrease, there will be a minimum net ranking gain of 25 positions for all active rankings.

When our work starts, we will set a baseline of where your website currently performs in terms of existing ranking terms and positions.  From that point, on a monthly basis you will receive a report showing new organic ranking performance.  

Keep in mind, rankings do fluctuate monthly based on your competitors efforts, a Search Engines algorithm and other various factors.  The goal is to continue to grow month to month with existing and new market related key terms.

Want to see what our clients experience?  You can see updated 2016 Average Results on the this page.

The Process
1) Want a quote?  Fill out the form below.  We will perform a website feasibility review and quote

2) If you are satisfied and ready to rank better, we send you our agreement for signature so we can get to work!

3) Complete the on-boarding document 

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